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City life. It’s amazing. I will probably blog about this for at least another year. I forgot how much my mind and body loved the city. From a good art opening (on the docket) to a late night stroll through the park, the life a city offers is endless in its ability to surprise and delight. I am not the young part of the city anymore, instead I get to be the voyeur of the young. My bar stool is a front row seat to amazing entertainment. People watching is now at a whole other level.
It’s amazing what parts of life we scrub from our memory when we leave the city landscape behind. All the things that once gave us that edgy feel- the urban-ness that comes with graffiti, the permeating layer of city grime, the sounds of trains and the smell of urine- is replaced with rhythm that is intended to lull you into a certain submissiveness. You never intend it to happen; it just does. And though you keep your fashion, your passion for art, or your fearless driving instincts, you will over time lose that part of yourself that thrived in the urban jungle.
Each day I drive the bridge and there to greet me are those living on the streets of Philadelphia. When I shop or go to yoga I am met with signs crafted from cardboard that pull at every heart string. I listen to those surrounding me as I walk my way through the city- their pain and anguish audible to those who open their ears. These are not people who can just leave the street and pick up with a new life style. These are not people who just need to “get a job”. These are fellow humans that for one reason or another did not have such a lucky path. I can’t even begin to imagine the series of life events that would have to happen to someone to bring them to a place of such need, but I can imagine how hard it must be to decide to sleep on a city street for the first time. How incredibly alone and scary that place would be.
I am happy to be living in a city again, everyday reminded that my fortunes are great and my ability to give is even greater. It puts life into perspective and allows me to joyfully give thanks for all the gifts I have been given. It makes me more determined to be a better citizen and to give when I can. My dedication to Distributing Dignity, an organization that supplies women in need with feminine hygiene products and new bras, is one of the places I try and make a difference. Empowerment for women is a theme that has run through my life and one that I will continue to champion. From art school at Moore College to my days in Avalon where I co-founded WON, The Women’s Only Network, with fellow business warrior Kim Schiela, to teaching women how to run successful Interior Design businesses, I believe one day we will co-rule the world- equally, justly, and without prejudice. Ok, I’m getting off my soap box, I know. GO HILLARY!
Your donation of tampons or pads will allow a woman to buy more food for her children this month. Your donation of a new tagged bra will let a woman know that she is not forgotten. Your donation of money will help build a grass roots organization that was founded in supplying women with the most basic of needs- her need to know she is valued, cared for, and dignified even in the most trying of times.
How can you help?